The Power Of Twitter

There are social networks and there are social networks. Twitter is probably top of the list when it comes to membership. Just about everyone has a Twitter account.

So how can this help a author who is seeking to market their books. Well for one, Twitter is free. Secondly you can add your author site to your Twitter account and thirdly Twitter has a large membership. All you have to do is start marketing your book and authors site.

I encourage you to visit, register and start tweeting. You might also visit us on Twitter at Author Book Promo or Christ Blogger for some great tweets.

Free Writers' Conference

I love to pass along frugal opportunities for writers to learn more about their craft and about promotion. I am doubly pleased to let you know about this absolutely free opportunity because I'll be conducting two seminars. Do know that all are writers are welcome. All the information you need to register is at today.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Your frequent Frugal Book Marketing contributor

Sending the Love to Troops with Free E-Books

As many of you know, my grandson is back now from two tours of duty in Iraq and is now stationed (very luckily) near Monterrey, CA. Thus, the plight of our troops is a subject near and dear to my heart. My poetry writing partner Magdalena Ball and I are giving away e-copies of our chapbook of unconventional love poetry Cherished Pulse to 'our' troops overseas as part of Operation e-book drop. We hope it will help them celebrate our holiday of love and express our love to them--wherever they are in the world including Haiti where they're working night and day to bring relief to others.

We figured that many authors would want to do the same with their books. Find the links and more information on the program at

If you prefer to send a real copy to someone, that is easy, too. It is only $6.95 on Amazon, certainly a doable gift. (The Amazon Link is in this post.) It makes a really beautiful gift with Vicki Thomas’s artwork and you can make it even prettier by tying a slender satin ribbon in the book's crease as a bookmark. Go to .

Carolyn Howard-Johnson wrote the foreword for Eric Dinyer's book of patriotic quotations, Support Our Troops, published by Andrews McMeel. Part of the proceeds for the book benefit Fisher House. Her chapbook of poetry won the Military Writers Society of America's award of excellence. Find it at Her novel, collection of creative nonfiction and much of her poetry is informed by interest in leading the world toward acceptance of one another. Find her web page dedicated to tolerance at If your Twitter followers would be interested, please pass this on to them using this widget:

New Book Releases, The Authors Club & More ...

A blog created and designed just for authors and their books, New Book Releases where book lovers find authors and new book releases.

A new forum launch where authors can share their books, interact, ask questions and get answers. Why not, The Authors Club, interactions of the 5th kind.

For the Christian Author, Christian Author Book Marketing, were authors and book lovers unite.

You name it and you can find it at GoodReads, where books are number one and where authors of all kinds can be found. Expand your Book Kingdom.

For The Frugal Author & Writer

I figured that the title of this post would attract your attention. Chances are you are a self published author or have published with a print on demand publisher and your looking into ways to promote and market your book, create some book buzz and create a online presence. If that's the case, why not contact us at and share your book and authors site with us and let us help you with some suggestions regarding author promotions and book marketing. We can save you a lot of time, plus send you in the right direction while proving you with a marketing plan and package that is very frugal.

While your here take a look around and visit some of our links which will also provide some insight, ideas, tips and valuable information. Be sure to also visit Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing.

Frugal Author Blogs & Book Marketing

Attention Authors!

Do you have a authors site or blog? Many times authors depend on their publisher to promote and market their books. Some publishers provide authors with a single page that shares the authors book on their site. Other times authors purchase the in print online bookstore data base where thousands to millions of other books are listed and found by the ISBN number. Sounds impressive, however, who is going to search for an author by his name, book title or the ISBN number? It rarely happens.

Having your own authors site or blog to showcase, promote and market your book is very important. Of course you can run around to sites where authors interact and share your book, but then again, so is every other author. I thought authors authored books.

I encourage you to create, design and build your own blog to showcase your book, the book description, an about the author page, reviews, contact information and other important information. A place where readers and book lovers can sit back and read about you as a author, your book, current projects and even upcoming projects.

Here are a few author sites /blogs that we have assisted authors in getting online. If you need some help, advice, information or just some encouragement. Contact us at as we can help. Do it the frugal way and get the exposure you deserve.

Frugal Targeted Author Pomotions & Book Marketing

Free Author Book Marketing vs. Frugal Author Book Marketing

First, I encourage all authors to explore any and all free advertisement and book promotions that come their way. We also have sites and blogs that offer free author promotions and book marketing for authors, as we understand the need is great. Plus we are constantly creating and finding new ways for authors to promote and market their books for free.

However, many times a author just doesn't have the endless hours that it requires to register and join site after site to promote and market their books. Some authors not only lack the time, but also the knowledge with regards to all the online interactions. Other authors have yet to design and create a authors site or authors blog to market their books from.

For those of you that do not have the time, means or desire to create online buzz for your books, we offer expanded online author promotions and book marketing as follows for the Christian Author and books that fall into that category. We also help authors create author media sites and blogs to showcase their books at.

Expanded Online Author Promotions & Book Marketing For The Christian Author.

Author Promotions & Book Marketing Includes:

1) A cover shot of your book release with a link back to your author site
2) The title of the book (above the book cover)
3) The authors name (below the book cover)
4) A content post that again shares the book cover, the title, the authors name, book description and with a link back to the authors site

What are the benefits?

1) Expanded and targeted marketing within a established Christian Network of sites.
2) Prime front page advertising.
3) National and worldwide exposure.
4) Dramatically increases your online presence.
5) Will help to increase your page ranking.
6) 1 full year of marketing.
7) You get the expanded book marketing that you deserve.

We have marketing programs available on 25 sites, 50 sites, 75 sites and up to 100 separate sites. Just imagine the potential and the best part is the prices, they are designed with authors in mind.

Your Success Is Our Success Story!
Let us help you get the WORD out.
Author Media Site & Book Marketing
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Book Marketing The Frugal Way

There are many ways for authors to promote and market their books. Some authors find themselves on a budget and for those authors, you can self promote and market your books by creating book buzz, creating a authors site and sharing your book in various communities and social communities. Here are just a few to consider:

The above sites will provide you with some exposure and help you create a online presence. If your looking for some expanded online marketing and presence through some strategic author promotions and book marketing, contact us via email at as we have author promotions and book marketing programs that will get you the marketing that will help you to put your book before a buying market.

You might also visit Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing where you will find additional information, ideas and tips.

Learning the Art of Book Proposals in 20 Minutes and 49 Cents

Book Proposals: Getting Past the Arguments and Past the Gatekeepers
Or: Seven Top Rules for Your Book Proposal

By Carolyn Howard-Johnson

An excerpt from the introduction of The Great First Impression Book Proposal: Everything You Need To Know To Sell Your Book in 20 Minutes or Less ( with seven basics to get you started.

Those who haven't learned to write a book proposal are haunted by that gap in their knowledge. It lingers much like the first horror story your counselor told you as you roasted s'more over a campfire at summer camp, and it becomes more frightening every time the prospect of a new book looms.

Book proposals are not something that are going away any time soon. In fact, they have becoming more omnipresent. Once only writers of nonfiction needed to write proposals to get their ideas past gatekeepers, the editors, agents and publishers. Now some publishers ask their novelists to write them. That is especially prevalent for novelists under contract for more than one novel, genre novels, and novels that are part of a series.

Many writers are put off by books on proposals. "It takes a whole book to learn to write one?" they say. "First we have to read a whole book, then we have to write a proposal which is practically like writing a whole book and then we have to write the darn book?" They're right. It all seems like too much.

And it may be. There are lots of books out there on how to write a book proposal and I recommend a few at the end of this short piece. But it is easy enough to learn all that you absolutely have to know in a nutshell and that’s what this article seeks to do for you.

It's easy to make short stuff of the subject of writing book proposals simply because there is no one way to write a proposal. You need to know the basics but every proposal will vary with the project depending on the author's style, the genre he or she is writing in, and the way he or she visualizes the book. In this article, I give you a detailed version of a proposal for a nonfiction book, one that works because it makes it easy on the agent or publisher to find what he or she needs and digest it. Obviously, those writing proposals for fiction (and keep it mind it is rarely required that the writers of fiction books use proposals) will need to adapt these guidelines.

So, what is a proposal all about and why are we so uncomfortable with them?

A book proposal is a marketing tool, a tell and sell document. Writers tend to be artistic or academic or reclusive and probably never pictured themselves hawking any kind of product, much less something that they're so invested in. That doesn't mean they won't have to and it doesn't mean they can't learn to write a real kick-butt proposal. In fact, most already have the instincts for it, they just think that they must switch from real writing to brazen or boring. And know that once past the query letter, if your proposal doesn't impress a gatekeeper, all is lost.

So I'm giving you the seven top rules for writing a great book proposal. For details you'll want tosplurge on The Great First Impression Book Proposal: Everything You Need To Know To Sell Your Book in 20 Minutes or Less. It's published by Amazon (an Amazon Short) and it's only 49 cents (

Rule #1: Don't slide into your business-letter writing mode. In fact, don't do that when you write business letters. Let your personality shine through. And, when appropriate, let the voice you'll use in your book be seen, too.
Rule #2 Don't rush it. I've seen people on Twitter say they've written a proposal in a day. Frankly, I wouldn't want to see the result.
Rule #3 Edit the proposal as meticulously as if you were editing your manuscript. You may want my The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success to help you with this. (
#4. Research the agents and publishers you're sending your proposal to. Sure, it's time consuming. But not so much as sending your proposal to gatekeepers who are sure to have no interest.
#5. This may sound like repetition of #1 but, if you think about it, it isn't. Don’t slavishly follow a template. An agent I interviewed for The Frugal Editor told me that "it's just plain creepy." She also said that if a writer can't be true to themselves, she has to wonder what kind of a writer they'd be. PS: This doesn't mean you can't use a template. But break away from it when it seems advisable, for heaven's sake.
#6. Your job is to intrigue the gatekeeper you're sending your proposal to.
#7. Your bigger job is to make it easy on that gatekeeper to get the information he or she needs quickly. That means, organize, organize, organize. And format so the organization is apparent.

Carolyn is an award-winning novelist and poet and author of the acclaimed HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers ( You'll find a Resources for Writers section on her Web site, too.

The Self Promoting & Marketing Author

If your a self published author or published with a print on demand publisher chances are you have found that self promoting and marketing your books is something that you must do. Many times authors expect their publisher to do all the author promotions and book marketing.

Other times authors believe that just because they paid for the standard in print book data base promotions or are on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million and other great online book store sites that they will sell thousands of copies of books. That is simply just not the case.

As a self published author, you must promote and market your books. You must find markets where your book will attract potential book lovers and readers.

If your looking for some great ways to market and promote your books contact Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing at

Here are some additional sites of interest.

Frugal Author Sites & Blogs

Some authors pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars plus design fees to create or have a authors site designed. I know of some authors that have paid thousands of dollars. That's a lot of book royalties and a huge chunk out of a authors pocket just to have a authors site created.

Every author needs a authors site where they showcase their books, book descriptions, about the author, contact information, order information, book covers and other content of interest for their readers. A authors site becomes a great meeting place where book lovers can sit back and read about the author, his or her books and get acquainted. Creating a online presence can be fun, exciting and very successful for a author.

Here are two simple author sites to look at. If you need some help getting started, simply contact us as we'd love to help you. Authors helping authors to find success.

Here are some other sites to look at with diferent styles, designs and colors