Frugal Author Sites & Blogs

Some authors pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars plus design fees to create or have a authors site designed. I know of some authors that have paid thousands of dollars. That's a lot of book royalties and a huge chunk out of a authors pocket just to have a authors site created.

Every author needs a authors site where they showcase their books, book descriptions, about the author, contact information, order information, book covers and other content of interest for their readers. A authors site becomes a great meeting place where book lovers can sit back and read about the author, his or her books and get acquainted. Creating a online presence can be fun, exciting and very successful for a author.

Here are two simple author sites to look at. If you need some help getting started, simply contact us as we'd love to help you. Authors helping authors to find success.

Here are some other sites to look at with diferent styles, designs and colors