Inspirational and Insightful - The Diamond Soul: Five Stepping Stones to Christlike Character

Georgy Vasilca in his first volume,  The Diamond Soul: Five Stepping Stones to Christlike Character, from the Diamond Soul Trilogy series. 

Offering a powerful framework built from Scripture and a Christian perspective, coupled with viewpoints and wisdom from many years research by the author on various aspects of human nature, psychology, neuroscience, and Biblical principles that offer deep insight into the steps needed to develop Christlike character. Five Stepping Stones (You are a Christian, You are a Fighter, Your Godly Way, You are Disciplined & Polishing Your Character) that offers an easy and interactive step-by-step guide that sheds light on the transformative work of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. 

As noted by the author, one cannot do this work alone. The author states that, “Building your Diamond Soul character is the most significant collaborative project between your faith and your reason to elevate you to new heights of understanding, wisdom, and closeness to God.” The goal is Christlike character that leads to advancement of the Kingdom of God in you shining upon the Earth, and reflecting His glory to others. 

Easy-to-use, the author answers many life questions and provides an interactive guide with questions designed for the reader to reflect upon their own interpersonal and outward reflections in life. Knowledge is provided into the roots of moral character and development into maturity in Christ, along with wisdom from a wise, old soul. The author does speak truth from Scripture, giving readers a format or map of what godly character, according to the Bible, looks like. 

This is a phenomenally interesting read as the author delves into a better way of functioning – God’s way. 

Applying these time-tested life principles coincide with leading a fulfilling, joyful life, that is full of discovery and purpose, while ever reaching for a deeper intimacy with your Creator. And can be facilitated by pastors, teachers, or lay mentors that want to inspire others in Kingdom principles and Christlikeness. Additionally, this book comes highly recommended for those that feel stuck, need encouragement, or for those believers that desire a deeper walk with God. This is more than just a book! This is Truth and a lifestyle based on Biblical principles giving readers keys, incentives, understanding and way to live as a Diamond Soul for God.  

I cannot recommend this book enough – Inspirational and insightful, this author speaks truth to help others mature into diamonds. I can hear God saying, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” This is a life-changing book.

or in Kindle as a download. 

Title: The Diamond Soul:
Five Stepping Stones to Christlike Character (1), 
The Diamond Soul Trilogy
By: George Vasilca
A CBM  Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Be sure to visit  the author at The Diamond Soul Character