A CBM Christian Book Review
Highly Receommended
Highly Receommended
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
This wonderful and enlightening book is a journey into the beauty and the unity of the Body of Christ. The discovery of the power of our spiritual inheritance under the leadership of Christ as the head of the Church is absolutely fascinating. ~ CBM
“Ephesians is the heart of the Father revealed to his children and his goal of having a family. It is the mystery of the Church and His hidden secret poured out on us an intertwined body.” ~ Author Janet M. Magiera
Ephesians: Our Spiritual Treasure-Exploring the Inexhaustible Riches of Christ is an insightful and focused devotional style study guide into the book of Ephesians. With a love for the Word (including the Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew root words) the author extracts Scripture with an ease that is exemplary. Her teaching ability gives readers the ability to understanding keys and terms in an easy-to-understand way. Readers are invited to comprehend the rich inheritance of the inexhaustible riches of Christ through a foundational and Biblical study guide that brings fresh perspective and faith. By blending the cultural texts, the author gives an in-depth and clear meaning of the intention of Scripture and the book of Ephesians.
Chapter by chapter, the spiritual blessings of Christ unfold as this book presents such appreciation for the saints to take in…what a wonderful inheritance God has given. Highlighting keys and their spiritual understanding the author describes the spiritual authority we have as believers. Unfolding the depth and mysteries of God, she unpacks an easy-to-read book.
Offering readers insight through a comparison of the Greek and Aramaic New Testament book of Ephesians, this book comes from one who has studied the Word of God and this particular arena for years. Readers will appreciate such a study that gives abounding understanding. With exercises and precept-by-precept instruction, the author leads readers on an exciting and amazing discovery in the knowledge and wisdom of Scripture. As such, Ephesians was written to teach, exhort, and prepare the saints for all that God has for them in their spiritual inheritance.
Capturing the essence of the book of Ephesians and the Father’s heartbeat, this book will catapult believers into full faith as members and warriors for Christ. Understanding destiny, authority, and purpose as one in the Body of Christ is crucial; yet, the author takes readers deep into truths from the Word that will give bring new perspective.
Such chapters as: Overview of Ephesians, All Spiritual Blessings in Christ, What’s So Special About Us, To the Praise of His Glory, What God Did Beforehand, Exceeding Greatness of His Power, The Great Mystery Unraveled, Jesus Christ the Complete Foundation, The Dwelling Place of God, The Balanced Walk, Keeping the Unity of the Spirit, Jesus Christ- the Head of the Body, The Power of Words in Relationship, Standing Together as One, Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation and A Comparison of Ephesians and Colossians combine a fantastic and exciting study guide for either small-group or individual settings.
Such chapters as: Overview of Ephesians, All Spiritual Blessings in Christ, What’s So Special About Us, To the Praise of His Glory, What God Did Beforehand, Exceeding Greatness of His Power, The Great Mystery Unraveled, Jesus Christ the Complete Foundation, The Dwelling Place of God, The Balanced Walk, Keeping the Unity of the Spirit, Jesus Christ- the Head of the Body, The Power of Words in Relationship, Standing Together as One, Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation and A Comparison of Ephesians and Colossians combine a fantastic and exciting study guide for either small-group or individual settings.
This book comes highly recommended as a must-read for all Christians, new and mature alike, as it unfolds our calling in Christ, our inheritance in the one body of Christ, and our power through him.
You may get your copy of Ephesians: Our Spiritual Treasure at Amazon and in Kindle.