Prophecy, Revelation, End Times - A Must Read

If you love the scriptures, prophecy, the Book of Revelation and studying End Time events, you will love reading this book.

The Sons of God: A Discourse on the Christian Revolution by Anthony Marnell presents a book that is full of holiness and indignation at the same time. His book represents a two-fold manifesto of the revealing of the last 3 Trumpets (the last three woe’s) in the Book of Revelation and a call for repentance to all who do not follow Christ. A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

His first chapter “A Tale of Two Cities” speaks to those who are of the world (Babylon) and those who have been called out of the world, yet still exist in the world as followers of Christ. These two cities (or two groups of people) face choices that have consequences for eternity, but also in the near future. He further states that we are living in the Book of Revelation right now and that the Book of Revelation is not some time in the future but unfolding before our very eyes. With this in mind, his book offers somewhat of a discourse on the upcoming Christian revolution with exciting prophecy revealed as the 3 woe’s. An invitation is given as well to come into the Kingdom, to know Christ, to save yourself from the coming wrath of the Lord upon the entire Earth, so that you may be spared eternal damnation and the full wrath of God.

His book packs punch after punch! The author does not hold back in professing righteousness, calling evil for what it is and naming erroneous and egregious sins that have overtaken many, to include prevalence in our Western society. Issues such as gay marriage, homosexuality, abortion, murder, fornication, adultery, atheism, along with the culture of violence, war and murder that is so commonplace, shedding light that God Almighty does not delight in any of these abominations. Further mentioning idols such as entertainment and media, the love of money, selfish pride, celebrity fanfare and glory, only to reveal the rightful place of women and men among society paints a grim picture of today’s society. Yet, there is hope; that hope is found in the forgiveness of sins through salvation a proclamation of Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. Hope is found in following Jesus, choosing faith and learning to endure to the end. He gives strategies, scripture verses and instruction on becoming strong in faith and knowledge so that one will be able to stand until the end and persevere. He gives strong warnings that the faint at heart will not survive.

This book represents a wake-up call to all (including Christians and the complacent) who are of this world to make a choice: Are you for Jesus or against Him? He exhorts all to take a stand now for Christ and speaks of the times we are living in to be the End Times and that the great End Time Harvest is soon to come with the Great Tribulation. He calls all to make a choice for their own eternity and implores all who don’t believe or who are in sin to repent.

Yet, he ends his discourse with an end of speaking to those who will not give their hearts to Jesus fully and shifts his attention to the Bride of Christ, to encourage, refine, teach and to prepare them for what is coming up ahead.

The author does not wish to entertain readers but to prepare, educate and save them spiritually so they can escape what is to come upon the entire Earth. This book is not for those that wish to live in a fairy-tale like world that they create for themselves…it is for those who choose life in Jesus Christ instead of the death of sin and living according to the world’s desires.

You may get your copy of The Sons of God: A Discourse on the Christian Revolution at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. For additional information about the author, his book and some great ministry, visit Woe, Woe, Woe.