The Frugal Mom

In this economy one must be wise with their money to include moms. Actually the frugal mom goes back generations and isn't really some new creation. I remember my mother buying groceries wisely and getting the most for her money. As a child I disliked waiting and waiting at the check out stand as the cashier spent time going through endless coupons and all the time the people waiting in line behind us became impatient. Then came the fact that when my mother did her grocery shopping, there were always two shopping carts and it took forever to get out of the grocery store, however, that was how my mother did her shopping. If it was on sale, she bought it for even weeks later.
I recall her buying lots of meat at the butcher shop and then taking it home and cutting it into portions and freezing it for the meals, days, weeks and even months to come. You see my mother was a frugal shopper when it came to the grocery stores and even would visit 2 or 3 stores to catch all the sales.
You would be surprised just how much you can get for your hard earned dollars by working the grocery stores to your advantage. Just a few weeks back I went to one grocery store for some sale items, spent $39.00 and saved over $40.00. That's almost $80.00 worth of groceries for under $40.00.
Happy shopping ....