Frugal Author Book Marketing, Author Sites And Blogs

Just imagine the potential when it comes to online marketing. It's a huge ocean out there with millions of people online daily. The marketing possibilities are endless. For the frugal author seeking frugal ways to promote their books there are endless author related sites, clubs, forums and groups to join. Most authors start there, list their books and set the course to create buzz for their books.

That's fine, yet that's not using the power and fullness of the Internet to promote and market your books. Sure, there are many free sites, groups, clubs, forums and social networks that you can join for free and market your books. Yet that's the low ball way of approaching author promotions and book marketing. Thousands upon thousands do it this way and with little results.

The first step to creating online book buzz while promoting both yourself as a author and your books is to create a authors site or a authors blog. A simple place where book lovers can find out about you as a author and a person. Where others can read about you, your book, your book description, other important information and of course see a picture of both you as a author and your book cover.

Once you have successfully created a wonderful authors site or authors blog, the next step is to promote and market your authors site or blog, while sharing your book online at other great sites. Note that I said "other great sites".

It's important to have a game plan when promoting and marketing your site and just because there are many free sites out there where you can share your book, site and blog. That doesn't necessarily mean that is the best way to successfully promote and market you as a author or your books. Do your homework, plan ahead, be creative and set goals.